
1. 造出來的英文句子都是用中文的架構或中文的想法寫的,就會變成"Chinglish"

2. 句子的邏輯不通順,這裡有一個錯誤的例子:

A dog mess a corridor with innocent eye.




1. Did you evaluate your ability before studying at ITI? 用ability是"Chinglish"

正確為→Did you evaluate your English level before studying at ITI?


2. I went to several pharmacy to gather some alcohol and sanitizer. 外國人一般說alcohol都是指"可以喝的酒",而不是酒精,如果要說擦拭用的消毒酒精,用rubbing alcohol

正確為→I went to several pharmacies to gather some rubbing alcohol and sanitizer.


3. I need to find a substitution for dinner. 這句英文直譯其實是"我找不到食物可以吃了,我會找其他的替代品(例如:樹不、花朵等)來當晚餐吃

正確為→We need to find a substituation for our dinner plasns tonight. The restaurant is closed. 我們要為今天的晚餐找其他替代的餐廳,因為原本預計要去的餐廳今天沒開。改成用we是因為"通常"去餐廳吃晚餐都是至少兩個人起,這樣寫比較符合邏輯。


4. Because we are a strat-up company without much brand recognition, we need to run many advertising campaigns to raise our brand awareness.

正確為→Because we are a strat-up company without much brand recognition, we need to run many advertising campaigns to increase our brand awareness.



5. Before launching a product, we should conduct market research about the customer preference.

正確為→Before launching a product, we should conduct market research about consumer preferences.



6. I am delegated by my boss to display our cutting-edge product on exhibition.

正確為→I was delegated by my boss the demo/demonstrate our cutting-edge product on exhibion.



7. If you can't attend our wedding, I'll delete your name from the visitor's book.

正確為→If you can't attend our wedding, I'll delete your name from the list of attendees.

Visitor's book是當天才寫的吧,所以應該是把你從來賓名單上刪除



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